Bush rock garden edging is a method of landscaping plants and features. The use of this design technique is to create a look where the path of the yard appears to be created by the hills instead of the rocks. The look does not have to be perfect in order to accomplish this. There are several different types of hills and each of these can be used to create the effect. Some landscaping plants can help with the look as well as perform a purpose that would normally be handled by an edging feature.
A typical way to make the look work is to do preliminary excavations of the area before starting with the actual design. If it is a newly constructed landscape, then some careful planning and preparation should be done before making any final decisions. When doing the preliminary work for your garden, you should consider any current or historical structures in the area. These may include an irrigation line, an air conditioning unit or an underground water line. Using the size and shape of these structures as a guide, you will be able to make the necessary preliminary excavations.
After the preliminary excavations have been made, you will want to prepare the site for the final designs. You can do this by grading the area. When doing this, you should use a wheeled tool to create the ridges on the ground. You can also use either rounded or sharp rocks. After the grading is complete, the next step of creating the decorative features will begin.
Landscaping with mulch is easy when done in layers. When making the first layer, you can choose between using decorative gravels or crushed stone to create the edging. Once you have determined the type of gravels that you will be using for the project, it will be time to move on to the next layer. The third and final layer will be comprised of sand, which will allow the design of the edging to show through. By removing all of the gravel from the excavations, you will be left with a flat landscape that will look like a natural bluff.
Once you have the landscape designed and you are happy with it, you will be ready to begin the preliminary excavations. The first one will consist of finding the right spot to locate the first block wall. It is important that the block wall extends at least two feet from the edge of the landscape. Once you have chosen a good location, the excavations will move forward. At this point, you can either choose to use concrete for the foundation or to use mulch for a solid, waterproof foundation.
Concrete foundations are a little more work but can be completely worth it. Before you begin the excavations, it is important that you have purchased enough decorative gravels to go around your entire perimeter. If you only purchase a small amount at first, the landscape edging project will not take as long. Mulching will provide a great, protective barrier between the decorative gravels and the soil below.
Once you have the preliminary excavations complete, it will be time to move on to the mulching. While a gravel drive will suffice for preliminary edging, it is not always best. A mulching mower with wide grass blades will be easier to use when you have several layers of gravel to move. However, even a small lawn will need some help mowing when the blocks are very deep. If the grass blades are not wide enough, you may need to backtrack a bit and mow in the direction of the driveway.
Once you have finished the landscaping project, you will find that bush rock garden edging will provide a great way to separate your yard from the rest of your property. This provides you with an instant focal point that draws attention to your home. Bush rock garden edging will also add interest to your landscaping project. In fact, you may decide to create an all-rock garden. With a little creativity and a lot of care, you can make your yard into an absolutely beautiful landscape.