Flowers are beautiful. They are an inexpensive way to enhance the outside of your home. You can also have different types of flowers throughout your yard. Some are for looks, while others are purely ...
How Do You Keep Potted Flowers Blooming?
When most people think of how to make a flower garden they automatically assume that you have to have lots of soil. This is not the case, there are many ways to garden and ...
How Long Do Potted Flowers Last?
How long will potted flowers actually last? It really depends on a number of factors. The type of flower, the amount of sun they get and the care they receive will all affect the ...
What Flowers Can Survive a Freeze?
Freeze-thaw cycles are a natural part of plant life. They don’t affect plants the way they do for us, though. When you take a short frost to give plants a short rest, they come ...
What Are the Easiest Flowers to Grow in Pots?
So, you are thinking of starting your own flower garden this spring. Or maybe you are already tired of a few plants that are taking up all of the room in your kitchen or ...
Does Spanish Lavender Bloom All Summer?
If you live in a climate that experiences sporadic cool spells or lacks any, you may want to plant some. While cool weather is to be desired during the hotter months, your flower garden ...
How Do Annual Flowers Bloom All Summer?
When most people think of landscape flowers, they assume that these flowers only bloom for one season. The truth is that landscape flowers can actually bloom all summer long if you give them the ...