Begonia bedding plants are extremely popular landscaping flowers because of their low maintenance and beautiful colors. The best time to plant them is in the spring after the last frost but before the blooms appear. They are easy to grow in most areas and produce a spectacular show in a colorful garden. They come in many colors from white to pink blooms to scarlet.
Begonia bedding plants are known as perpetual flowers because they do not only bloom once a year, but they last for several years. These types of perennial plants are good for any gardener that wants a garden full of colour and variety. However, there are a few varieties such as the Non-Stop Mocca Begonia which has whiteately long trailing leaves which add some interesting interest to the flowering flowers. Tuberous Begonias will also get larger and bloom more intensely each year where the semperferencing cultivars such as the Lotto Mixed are actually annual bedding flowers.
Planting begonia flowers is easy and can be done in the spring after the last frost but before the plants start to bloom. This flower grows in full sun but will tolerate some shaded areas. They are happiest in partial shade, full sun or shaded areas. If you want to plant them in containers, they will do fine in almost any pot size.
If you are looking for color then the Non-Shade Begonia is one variety to consider. It comes in white and cream colored blooms and has the added bonus of not producing a flower head when it blooms. They are three inches tall. They look best planted in an area where they receive four to five hours of bright sunshine. Plant them in pebbles or on beds of coarse sand.
The common bedding plant has many different types of flowers and patterns. They come in a range of colors from pink to red to purple. The Red Cardinal flower is two inches tall and produces small yellow flowers that can grow to seven inches. It is a good reason for gardeners to consider planting this type of plant as an alternative to annuals or perennials.
Another plant that provides a good reason to consider planting is the Sun loving plants square measure. This flower grows up to three inches tall and comes in a range of pink, red or purple flowers. This bedding plant is good for those living in dry, warm areas because they do not need much water, fertilizer or sunlight to bloom. This bedding plant will also tolerate some frosts and should be planted in an area that is well drained.
The Sun loving plants come in a range of different species including the Dogtooth Spring, Morning Glory, Royal Cloud, Goldenrod, Mimulus and the Bleeding Hearts. These flowering plants come in various sizes including those that are one and a half to two inches. They can survive in very dry, hot and humid conditions. Some of these plants have very colorful flowers and the base of the flower has a cream coloured underside.
The other two common bedding plants are the Geraniums and the Aster. The geraniums are available in two different forms including the upright and the ornamental. The ornamental Geminis are three inches tall and can grow up to ten inches tall. While they do not come with a lot of flowers, they do have a large number of long blooming stems, which makes them good geranium plants.
Choosing begonia plants for your garden or flower bed The plants are easy to grow and are very popular for their beauty and color. These plants are very low maintenance and make a very attractive addition to any garden.